


ACE Supports Your Academic Success!

Get FREE help with your studies by meeting with a tutor. Drop in or make an appointment (812-481-5923812-482-3330through the Tutor Scheduling card in 澳门足球博彩官方网址-x, or ACEtutoring@5dexam.com) during SPRING 2025 SCHEDULED HOURS.

Did you know...

Tutors are available during posted hours. Request an appointment with a tutor by calling 812-481-5923 or 812-482-3330.

To have a paper reviewed (not edited) via email, send your paper, the instructor, course name, and due date to ACEtutoring@5dexam.com. Please understand there is no guarantee that emailed papers will be reviewed. Students who come for an in-person paper review receive priority. 

For make-up testing appointments call: 812-481-5923 or 812-482-3330

helpful resources

Two students using one of the study areas in the Shake Learning Resource Center
Students in the Shake Resource Center using the TV in one of the study areas
A female student using one of the computers in the Shake Learning Resource Center to complete an assignment

Students using the computers in a library


*most are both IOS and Android as well as a web page

Web Sites by Subject:              

Grammar Resources:

Where you can "check your text with no registration"

Ready to Begin?